
This blog was created to cover the impending shifts that are occurring on this planet and offer perspective on what to expect with the new paradigm. As the consciousness levels continue to rise both within the human collective and the planet itself, many aspects of our lives are going to drastically change for the betterment of all species that are fortunate to call this planet home.

This ascension process may appear slow to human beings, but it has been underway for quite some time and will continue to accelerate exponentially. Our methods of work, communication, travel, energy, education, food production and living environments will all see great change. The way we conduct our financial, social, economic and foreign affairs will transition to better serve the needs of all. Soon we will be rejoining the greater Galactic community and this planet will serve as a beautiful locale for ongoing conferences and projects with our many intergalactic neighbors.

Although our content is generally focused on offering assistance to the Lightworker community, it is my sincere hope that those fascinated with technology, futurism, green living, and a more peaceful future will find inspiration here as well.

Who am I?

I am simply another light on a vast grid that is here to assist humanity, assist Gaia, open hearts and raise consciousness. I have been on the path for many years but was mostly unaware of it’s guiding presence until late 2011 when I experienced my initial awakening. I tend to operate from the macro perspective; I study our modern societal systems that connect the world and I imagine the systems of our collective future. Ultimately, I hope to discover, help shape and share how we’ll get to this new world.

For all wayward guests that find their way here… I ask the following. Keep an open mind, absorb as much information as possible from many sources and build upon personal truth. On a person to person basis, the details and theories on what is happening is bound to be different. I don’t seek to prove or tell you what is right on any particular point, I only hope to assist to you in the formation of your own personal truth. At the very best, I hope something I share helps you personally align another piece of your puzzle and strengthen your understanding of things.


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